How to Gain Repeat Customers With a WooCommerce Product Configurator
Succeeding in business is about more than winning customers; it's also about retaining customers so they buy from you again and again. One tool that's invaluable in winning repeat business for a WooCommerce-based store is a WooCommerce product configurator.
Successfully persuading prospects to buy from you may seem like a challenge when it comes to eCommerce. But convincing those customers to continually choose you as their option for repeat business is a different challenge altogether.
WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin many online stores use to assist with their eCommerce needs. It enables eCommerce operators to customize the precise store they want. Just like WooCommerce enables you as a seller to build your dream eCommerce store, a WooCommerce product configurator enables your customers to build their dream product.
Read on to find out how a WooCommerce product configurator can help you win repeat business on a consistent, dependable basis.
Customizable Products Allow for Multiple Options for the Same Product
Let's say your company uses WooCommerce to sell customizable T-shirts to your audience. Perhaps you have one particular T-shirt that's popular with your customers.
With a WooCommerce product configurator, you can give your customers a world of different customization options in your WooCommerce store so they can experiment in buying multiple products from you.
Coloring, lettering, designs, and other features are all plug and play with a WooCommerce product configurator. Once you've delighted customers with their initial purchase, they'll be more likely to come back for more if they can substitute different product variations.
Product configuration empowers your customers with a wealth of options. When you've established the right offer via your WooCommerce plugin, your WooCommerce product configurator ensures they keep coming back to explore those options.
Click here to learn more about our WooCommerce product configurator.
Have Better Image Presentation
It goes without saying that imagery and visualization are key components of buying online. Customers want to see what they're going to get before they buy, lest they get buyer's remorse.
Most vendors are going to offer pictures of their offerings. Some may have websites featuring low-resolution screenshots or other low-quality images that don't do a great job capturing the essence of the product.
But what if your WooCommerce store could take them a step further? Do more than just show them images of your configurable products — use tools like virtual reality and augmented reality to help them really experience it before they buy.
With a WooCommerce product configurator, you'll provide your customers with stunning, photorealistic 3D product images. As they operate within your product builder, the WooCommerce product configurator will provide them with 3D pictures so they can get a feel for the full depth of the product.
Add Augmented Reality Experiences
With augmented reality, they can see how your product will look in their preferred settings. One example would be if you were a custom office chair manufacturer. Your customer could overlay the image in their home office through their mobile screen to see how it would look in their setting.
How does this help gain repeat customers? Simple: it helps create an interactive, engaging customer service experience online. On the front end, your customers will enjoy building their custom products. The WooCommerce product configurator's features on the back end help them know exactly what they'll be getting.
You'll give an honest, transparent presentation of your variable products. Your customers will know where they stand with you, and they'll know they're getting what they paid for. They’ll know you're not hiding any aspect of the product, putting its quality on full display.
Customers crave transparency, as well as the ability to trust their product before they buy it. With a WooCommerce product configurator, you can build that trust and build customer loyalty.
Make Order Processing Easier
When it comes to using a visual product configurator, the name of the game is simplicity and convenience. You want to make it as easy as possible for your prospects to go from discovering your product to purchasing it.
With a WooCommerce product configurator, it automatically generates the product order for the customer with the exact specifications they requested. There's no lag time between the customer entering their specs and you providing the customized display.
Once a customer has decided to buy from you, the last thing you want to do is put up a roadblock between them and their purchase. A WooCommerce product configurator helps you give them instantaneous details on pricing of a final product.
Think of how confident your customer must feel once they've customized their ideal product. You want to capitalize on that by guiding them to the checkout page quickly.
The WooCommerce product configurator can do just that. You can take them from your product designer to payment in just a few clicks.
Customers remember that kind of convenience and will look to come back because of it.
Superior WordPress Integration Can Optimize Your Site to Support Repeat Business
The last thing you want to worry about for your online store? Website maintenance.
When you use WooCommerce, you have a fully functional online store at your disposal in the form of a WordPress plugin. This makes it easy to enable your product configurator as part of your eCommerce store.
Having the ability to easily integrate your store with your website creates a superior user experience for your customer. Everything flows, from the presentation of customization options to the configuration process to the final checkout.
Having your website fully integrated doesn't just save you time (though it definitely does that). It also allows you to have a WooCommerce product customizer that serves as a single component of a holistic shopping experience for your customers.
With the WooCommerce product configurator plugin put into place, your WordPress website then becomes yet another tool in your toolbox meant to attract and retain customers.
Of course, implementing your WooCommerce product configurator means identifying a partner who has experience doing so that can help you do so effortlessly. That's where Threekit comes in.
Our 3D product configurator enables customers to have 360-degree visualization of their customized product in your WooCommerce store. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our WooCommerce product configurator team.