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How to Improve eCommerce Customer Experience

Threekit keeps brands ahead of the curve as eCommerce evolves and customer expectations change. With high-end visuals and configurable paths powered by Threekit you'll gain loyal customers and build your brand.

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Three Keys to High-Converting Customer Experiences

1. Encourage exploration.

Today, customers are looking for a chance to browse online just as they would at the store. More and more, they want to guide their own experience and fall in love with a product that is a perfect fit for them.

Placing state-of-the-art 3D visuals in configurable experiences creates a virtual showroom experience that engages customers' senses. By personalizing and customizing their own versions of your products, they fall in love. Adding them to their carts is just the inevitable next step.

2. Eliminate friction.

A measure of customer effort in the buying process is 40% more accurate at predicting loyalty than customer satisfaction. Eliminate unnecessary steps, confirmations, and form fields and you'll find your customers maintain a high level of enthusiasm throughout their entire experience.

By visualizing configurations in real time, you provide constant reassurance to your customer that the product they are building is the product they want to purchase. Overcoming doubts and increasing confidence will shorten the distance to the sale and bring your customers back again and again.

3. Flatten the learning curve.

Even the best customer experiences involve a measure of customer traning. You have to show your shoppers how to do their job, aka buying your pr4oducts.

Make that learning process fast and easy by complying with common conventions and best practices in your industry and sector. By doing so, you'll make sure your customers don't waste time learning how to buy when they could already be buying.

Customers crave customization, visualization, and product clarity.

We've got all three covered.

Threekit knows how to improve your eCommerce customer experience.

We've curated a collection of some of the best eCommerce experiences built with Threekit technology. Take a look yourself. In each case, you'll see how Threekit contributes to the shopper's experience by making products real.

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The eCommerce Guide to 3D Configuration

Interactive 3D technology is about as compelling as visual content gets. It offers customers three major benefits over standard 2D images...

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Read stats about eCommerce performance:

Find out how augmented reality, 3D configuration, product visualization, and other eCommece experiences impact the bottom line.

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For eCommerce Brands

Getting Started with Threekit

It couldn't be easier to use Threekit to improve your eCommerce customer experience. In fact, you might say it's as easy as 1-2-3D.


Import or Create Digital Assets

A digital customer experience requires digital assets. At Threekit, everything starts with a CAD file or another type of 3D render of your product. If you don't have those ready to go, we'll work with you to create them. 


Integrate with the Platform

Threekit's platform handles the conversion of your 3D assets into the 2D and 3D visuals you need for your planned experience. Threekit even makes it easy for you to add augmented reality capability to your customer experience. And our platform plays nice with all eCommerce platforms and site frameworks.


Go live.

With your assets imported and your business rules applied, Threekit will authomatically serve the visuals required for your customer experience in real-time. Before you know it, your customers will be configuring, exploring, buying, and spreading the word.

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